Imperfect Flowers - chapter - 1 in English Drama by Sai Kumari books and stories PDF | Imperfect Flowers - chapter - 1

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Imperfect Flowers - chapter - 1

Sia! Did you come dear? ” Her grandmother Gauri shouted while she noticed the doors opened.

She is in her late 60′s though she works well. She is living for her grand children. Her son and daughter-in-law died few years back in an accident.

Vishwanath, her son is a Teacher and her daughter in-law Sumathi, a home maker.

When Gauri heard the news of her son and daughter-in-law’s death she felt knifes piercing in her heart. She doesn’t wanted to live anymore, but looking at their grand children her heart ached more. She wanted to live for them.

She started to work in other homes as a maid to feed the little ones. She started to earn some money and through hard ship she now owns a home and a shop.

Sia was her favorite, she wanted to make her study and live on her own. Though Gauri came from the age of child marriages, but still she had strong opinion in women empowerment and studies.

She had seen and learnt so much in her life. She can say her life is a lesson.

Nanamma! Yes, I’m preparing dinner for us, she shouted while lighting the hearth in between the three stones. Keeping the vessel on it she started cutting the vegetables.

Sia is a 14year old girl. She wanted to be independent and help her grandmother. She goes to school in the morning and comes back at evening. She does work in a shop and comes back to home at 8:30 pm daily.

Her brother Sahil is younger than her. He is 9 years old. He goes to same school along with his sister.

Girl! How many times I told you to not to do these works, am I dead? She scolded Sia grabbing the knife and veggies from her.

Nanamma!! Let me do it, you work all day and come home now, take rest, she said again taking those from her grandmother.

Please! I’m hungry, Naani, let Sia do that, her grandson, Sahil, objected her making Gauri glare at him.

You Blighter! Your sister is working and you are happily playing there not even came to help her!! She yelled.

" Gauri!! I wanted to spend spend some time with you, that’s why I’m not helping her, he said dramatically placing his hand on her shoulder.

Sia laughed at her brother antics, Gauri too laughed while pinching his nose.

Ahh... Gauri! It’s hurting! He said rubbing his nose.

" You said you wanted to spend some time with me? I spend time like this only,” she spoke cupping his face with her both hands.

" That’s why maybe Grandfather had left you early!” He commented making Sia giggle while Gauri glare at him.

She breathed heavily and spoke, "He didn’t leave Sahil, I have left him. He cheated me. I took your father when he was as same age as you. I have come here from so far so that I can educate my child in a good way.”

Sahil wanted to change the topic, though he is a kid but still he understands her Naani very well. He acts according to the situation.  He smirked at her and said,” But now I’m not in mood to spend time with you Gauri!,” he got up and went to drink some water.

" Huh! Look at him, how coolly he is saying!” Gauri was surprised for her grandson words.

Sia, shook her head laughing while cutting the veggies.

Some one started to knock the door. Both the ladies heard it and Sia was about to stand, but her grandmother signalled her that she would go and see who it is.

Who is that? She said while going out.

Oh! Sir, come in...come in... She invited the guest.

“Sahil! Bring some water for your teacher,” she ordered her grandson.

" Sir! Have some water,” Sia said giving the glass. He smiled taking the glass and drank water.

Mean while Gauri whispered to Sia,” Why did you bring? I asked him to bring right?”

" He went to Washroom,“she replied.

He cleared his throat to get the attention of two ladies who are wishpering.

I came to talk some important thing mother! He said.

Gauri looked at Sia if she knew anything about it, but she mouthed she doesn’t know anything.

Did our Sahil made any problem at school Suman?! she asked hesitantly calling out loud for Sahil to come there.

No no! He didn’t do anything, I came to talk about our Sia, he said showing his hand at her.

About me sir?! Sia asked sitting beside her grandmother.

Sahil came from washroom and saw the fry is about to burn out. He kept the vessel on the ground and walked in living area.

He noticed his teacher and greeted him with respect.

" Umm...that Sia should accompany With Rima.”

Rima?! Why sir, Sia enquired.

You know she is participating in the science project. She gave your name too, so you should go with her for a week.

For a week?! Gauri gasped. She didn’t leave her children for a day also. She will be scared if they came late for 10 minutes. Poor women, she kept her life on them all the time.

Can’t it be earlier Suman? Gauri asked.

“Sorry about this, I know you can’t leave her for one hour also, but she has to go to City!”

Sia was quite listening to her grandmother and her teacher conversation.

Sir! Can I go along with Sia? Sahil requested.

No Sahil! How can you leave alone Naani?! She scolded him.

Umm...but I will miss you! He said with fallen face.

Sahil! You are grown up dear! Your sister is not leaving you?! She is going to City for one week and she is not alone. Rima is with her too, she will call you daily, so don’t worry Sahil, Suman convinced him.

When is she going Suman? Gauri enquired. week, he answered.

Okay Sia and Sahil, I’m taking my leave then, he said and left.

Sia was starting at the entrance in which her teacher left few minutes back.

Sia?! Would you be staring at gate all the night? her brother commented.

Go and arrange plates for dinner Sathith, I will come! she said.

He shrugged his shoulders not understanding why his sister sometimes behaves weird.

He murmred okay and left to follow his sister’s errand.

“Appa!! Did you talk about the project with Sia?” Enquired her daughter Rima when Suman entered in to the living area.

Of course dear!! He replied, taking seat beside his daughter. Meanwhile his wife gave water to drink.

Is she going along with Rima? Interrogated his wife Hema.

“I talked to Mom!  I think she can’t leave Sia for one week.”

Then... Appa then, isn’t she coming then? She spoke with disappointment on her face showing clearly.

Though mom couldn’t leave her, but she accepted to send her along with you, he said with a smile on his face.

Really?! Appa!! Yayyy! Thank you!! Thank you so much Appa!! Rima is now overjoyed with her father’s words.

But Appa?! What about Sahil? You know right, he can’t be away from her? She asked.

Sia convinced him dear, so don’t worry, he added.

The following day Sia woke up early. She didn’t wait for Sahil. She left early to school.

As she walked in she noticed her classmate Raghav was going into the campus.

Ravi! Sia called him.

Hey! Good morning Sia, he greeted her.

Good morning Ravi! You didn’t come yesterday? What happened? She in interrogated him.

" I went to town to get some pesticides for the crops we are growing this year Sia,” he replied. 

Come we will go to the class, it’s cold here he said grabbing her hand.

Oh! But didn’t you talked to your father that we should not use chemicals?

"Of course I did Sia! But you know what he says," Ravi sighed thinking of the possibilities he had made to understand his father.